Policies and Procedures
Policy 8.8 CCTV
Policy statement
The Learning Meadow is securely monitored by a Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance system.
The Nursery Manager/Owner is responsible for the operation of the system for ensuring compliance with this policy.
We recognise that the use of CCTV has become a common feature of our daily lives and while its use is generally accepted, CCTV operators have certain duties and responsibilities to those whose images are caught on camera.
The Nursery complies with the Information Commissioners CCTV Code of Practice to ensure it is used responsibly and safeguards both trust and confidence in its continued use.
The use of CCTV and the associated images is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. This policy outlines the nursery use of CCTV and how it complies with the Act and is associated with the Nursery Data Protection policy, the provisions of which should always be adhered to.
The System and location of cameras
The CCTV system comprises of 4 externally fixed position cameras, a monitor, and a digital hard drive recorder.
Cameras are located at strategic access and entry points on the premises including the main car park.
CCTV will not be used in classrooms or any internal locations.
Members of staff are aware of the locations of all cameras.
No camera is hidden from view, and all are prevented from focusing on areas of private accommodation. Signs are prominently placed at the entrance and exit points of the site to inform staff, children, parents, and visitor that a CCTV installation is in use.
The digital recorder and single effectiveness of the limited system it is not possible to guarantee that the system will detect every incident taking place on the site.
Purpose of the System
CCTV systems are installed in premises for the purpose of enhancing security of the building and its associated equipment as well as creating a mindfulness among the occupants, at any one time, that a surveillance security system is in operation within and/or in the external environs of the premises during both the daylight and night hours each day.
The system has been installed by the nursery with the primary purpose of:
Protecting the nursery buildings, animals, equipment and assets both during and after opening hours
Promoting the health and safety of staff, children, and visitors to the nursery, consistent with the respect to individuals’ privacy
Being a visible deterrent to reduce the incidence of crime, vandalism, and theft
Assisting in the prevention and detection of crime
The system will not be used to provide images for the world-wide-web or record any sound.
Digital recordings are made using a digital video recorder operating in real mode, monitoring the site continuously 24 hours a day. Images will normally be retained for up to 3 months from the date of the recording and they will then automatically be
Recognisable images captured by CCTV are “personal data”. They are therefore subject to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018.
Viewing of the recorded images of CCTV will be restricted to the Nursery Manager within the office, also to those staff who need to have access in accordance with the purpose of the system. Out of nursery hours, the owners will have access to CCTV images via secure remote access to assist in maintaining the security of the premises.
This is not a “webcam” facility; parents will not have access to view recordings.
Subject Access Rights (SAR)
Individuals have the right to request CCTV footage relating to themselves under the Data Protection Act and the GDPR.
All requests should be made in writing to the manager.
Individuals submitting requests for access will be asked to provide sufficient information to enable footage relating to them to be identified, for example: time, date and location.
The applicant may view the CCTV footage if available.
The Learning Meadow will respond to requests within 30 days of receiving the request.
If the request for information falls outside the 3 month recording time then this information may have already been overwritten.
The Learning Meadow reserves the right to refuse access to CCTV footage where this would prejudice the legal rights of other individuals or jeopardise an on-going investigation.
Access and disclosure of images to third parties
There will be no disclosure of recorded data to third parties other than authorised personnel such as the Police.
If an order is granted by a Court for disclosure of CCTV images, then this should be complied with. However, very careful consideration must be given to exactly what the Court order requires.
If there are any concerns as to disclosure, then the Nursery Manager should be contacted in the first instance and appropriate legal advice may be required. Requests for images should be made in writing to the Nursery Manager.
This policy was initially adopted by The Learning Meadow in October 2021 and is reviewed annually
Dawn Pirie (Owner/Manager)
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